Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fleet Street and St. Paul's Walk

I thought this walk was interesting because we were able to see more lesser-known historical sites that are somewhat tucked away in this area of London. I liked how it felt like we were walking more through the backstreets rather than on main tourist highways. We were able to see buildings we probably wouldn’t have seen if we had just been wandering around in our spare time; places like Ye Old Cheshire Cheese (a haunt of Charles Dickens), Dr. Johnson’s house, and the Black Friar Pub. I also really liked seeing the St. Sepelchre’s Church – at first it just looked like a cool old church, but reading about it we found out that crusades to the Holy Land in the Middle Ages started their journeys from this spot.

I think we had a totally different experience doing this walk in the evening on Friday night than if we had done it any other time. First of all, we walked past several pubs; it was crazy to see how many groups of young business men would all stand outside and drink in their suits and loosened ties. At every pub, you would just see at least 5 or 6 small groups of these men outside in business suits, talking and laughing. Sydnie made the comment that you can tell when the British are drinking because they talk louder. And besides the pubs, people in general seemed to be more friendly and more energetic – it seemed like there were way more people asking if they could take a picture for us or help us find our way.

1 comment:

  1. Em, I love your blog! This is so cool. Great background and I can't wait to follow all your adventures in London!!
