Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bloomsbury Walk

For this walk, Lorraine and I decided to actually run it! We went in the morning and some parts were pretty crowded, so it was pretty crazy trying to run our way through the maze. But it was a really nice walk! I wouldn't say it was my favorite or the most interesting, but it was still nice to see a different part of town. The first thing we ran past that I thought was pretty cool was the British Musuem; at first, we ran past the back of it and it didn't look that impressive, but later we ran past the front and it was amazing! It was so huge! And it made me really excited to actually go there and go inside. It was also way awesome to run past Charles Dickens' house where he wrote Olive Twist and Nicholas Nickleby. It was was kind of an ordinary house out of the way, but it was really cool to see where one of the most famous authors of all time lived. What I also really loved about this walk was being able to run through some of the really small parks that you wouldn't normally notice or go to. They're like small pockets of green in the city and they were gorgeous! My favorite was St. George's Gardens. It was a little interesting because it's actually also a graveyard - so there were tombstones lining the fences and everything. But it wasn't creepy, there were so many different types of flowers and roses; there was a small fountain in the center with benches all around and it was beautiful!

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